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Proactive Accounting Meeting

Why we developed this service.

It’s important to spend time working on your business, not just in it. Taking time out to discuss what’s happening in your business will provide clarity of your future direction. A Proactive Accounting Meeting gives you the opportunity to meet with us on a no charge, no obligation basis to discuss the following:

  • Your goals for your business and how you plan to achieve them
  • How your business goals tie in with your personal and lifestyle goals
  • How you can work with us to address these issues and plans
  • Issues and challenges you are facing in your business e.g. growth, cashflow, or your planned exit from or sale of your business

It’s also a great opportunity for us to share how we can assist you in the future. For example, would you like to know more about our strategies to help you grow your wealth, profitability and cashflow? Would you like help improving your efficiency and effectiveness?

Who should have a meeting?

If you’re keen to improve your business performance and financial results and feel like you not are currently being supported to achieve this, then contact us. We firmly believe that we can help you and more importantly, we want to!

What is involved?

You’ll have a free consultation with a senior team member to review your unique situation and discuss how we can support you in the most appropriate way. To make the meeting as productive as possible and tailored to your requirements we’ll ask you to complete a short questionnaire and provide your last annual financial reports prior to the meeting.

Following the meeting, if required, we will prepare a proposal for services with all costs priced upfront.

When should I have this session?

We recommend that you arrange your Proactive Accounting Meeting with us as soon as possible in order to identify immediate strategies to improve your financial position.

Why put off until tomorrow what you can achieve today!

Benefits of a Proactive Accounting Meeting

  • Review and establish your goals and strategies for achievement

  • Assess your current business structure

  • Identify how we can assist you to achieve your goals through the growth and protection of your assets

  • Identify the key drivers of your business

  • Gain a better understanding of your business

  • Gain certainty about your fees, as you receive upfront pricing on any work proposed by us

  • Identify your burning issues and opportunities

  • Stimulate strategic discussion of the current and future direction of your entities

  • Access to our collective wisdom and advice for your unique situation

  • Potentially identify greater tax efficiencies

  • Understand our service offerings and how they can benefit you

Co-Pilot Accounting Cambridge