
Trust Review
Why we developed this service.
Trust Deeds are living documents and it is important to make sure they are regularly reviewed and updated. Changes in circumstances and legislation can impact existing Trust structures. It’s likely that you set up your Trust to meet the following objectives:
- To protect your assets
from creditors - To preserve value for future generations
- To protect your assets from relationship property or family claims
- To protect your assets from the Government
- To maximise any benefits you may be entitled to
- To facilitate the transfer of assets to beneficiaries on your death
Our Trust Review service ensures your existing Trust reflects your current intentions using the simplest structure possible and meets statutory requirements
Who should use this service?
We recommend all our clients with a Family Trust have their Trust reviewed. It’s that simple.

What is involved?
Initially we will require a copy of your Trust Deed and associated documents (including Wills) to review. We will then have a meeting with you to discuss what you want your Trust to deliver and make recommendations accordingly. Based on the outcome of the meeting, we will forward instructions to your lawyer for proposed changes, or put forward a more detailed proposal for services if required.
When should I begin using this service?
As soon as possible. All trustees have a responsibility to safeguard and administer trust assets properly. Our experience is that many mum and dad trustees simply don’t receive the guidance and support to have certainty that they are doing just that.
Benefits of a Trust Review
An independent assessment of your Trust setup
Peace of mind knowing that your Trust is up to date and will deliver your desired outcome (i.e. the Trust is aligned with your intentions)
Ensures your Trust is compliant with any legislation changes and statutory requirements
Keeps the structure of your Trust as simple as possible
Gives certainty that all assets are protected in accordance with statutory requirements
Addresses any financial implications of your arrangements
Avoids the Trust being deemed a sham
Increased understanding of your Trust
Ensures optimal tax structuring and asset protection from the outset if your Trust enters into a major transaction
Provides clarity for you as to whether or not to accelerate your gifting programme
Identifies any tax savings opportunities and reduces any potential exposure to Capital Gains Tax
Highlights any potential areas of risk or concern
Ensures your Trust meets your succession planning and asset protection objectives
We will work with you and your lawyer